I would like to start by saying that this sounds like it was written by an old cranky man who's lost sight of what is actually important. In the first two pages this author bashes young people by basically saying that the modern world is too complex and superficial for them to comprehend good art and visuals. The world has progressed quickly along with the different ways to create art, for example AI. Web 2.0 (a new advancement in technology) has shifted learning from a traditional, content-focused approach to a more social and participatory model. The author then loosens up by saying how important it is that art also needs to evolve along with the rest of the world. He explains how visually literate students should possess certain skills including knowledge of electronic media visuals, understanding of visual design elements, awareness of psychological influences on perception, and proficiency in visual communication and problem-solving. In the conclusion the final driving points the writer makes is the importance of adopting a more holistic view of learning that includes verbal and visual communication.
Reading Blog #1